My sweet and very talented friend Marsha has been a victim of a horrible crime. One of our fellow artist has used pieces of her work(without altering them) and claimed them as her own. The issue has been resolved and the art removed from flickr. Out of this crime, Marsha has come up with an idea to make art that represents this exact problem. I know this goes on all the time and it is not right. We all put our hearts and soul into what we make. Be it for profit or pleasure. So is it stealing one's work when you copy an idea? There are a lot of wings and pointy hats. I love wings and put them on just about everything. Is it stealing one's work when you use a technique? I don't think so. How many of you take a heat gun to paint to get it to bubble?
But when you take a piece of work or image without asking or outright copy someone's work,then that's a different story.
Join Marsha and other to Stop Art Piracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!