Many of you have asked about daughter. She is back. With the economy the way it is, the fashion industry has been hit hard. There was very little work for her. Having to pay everything out of her own pocket, free food and a bed at mom and dad's started looking very good. It put a dent in her bank account, but all was not lost. She has the experience under her belt and will try at a later time. The season will start picking up here so she should get some work locally.
Thanks everyone for asking.
SHE is beautiful, and smart, and has great parents!
It must be nice for you to have her home again. We miss them when they are not near
She is so gorgeous and I know you are glad to have her home. Something else will come along and I think everything will begin to pick up as we go into the Fall.
She's beautiful! And these are amazing pictures! How brave you all were to let her go and test her WINGS! Good job mom! I'm impressed and admire you both!
So, I have to say it. America's Next Top Model is a show the women in my family are addicted to. Has she ever considered it? She'd win!
(don't tell her, but I'm glad she's home, one mom to another)
glad she's back... when the time is right, she'll be back out, doing what she does best... my daily text quote today was: follow your heart... i think it also applies here...
speakin' of your little Miss Thang there, i hear her & Dane have been hanging out a little, too funny!
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